Integrated Management

Integrated Management of QHSE

Given the high levels of demand from the industrial sector, ELOS has an IMS (Integrated Management System) covering the areas of Quality, Health, Environment, Social Responsibility and Ocupational Security. A BVC (Bureau Veritas Certification) shows the full alignment between the goals set by the board and the results achieved by the company as a whole. They always maintaining the quality in their activities and minimizing levels of environmental impacts and accidents.

Health safety at work

Major Hazards and Controls:
Danger: Noise

Controls: Equipment inspections, use of PPE, Equipment Maintenance and Equipment Enclosure.

Danger: Smoke from Metal Welding.

Controls: Use gas mask and exhaustion indoors.


Main features and controls:
Appearance: Black Smoke equipment and diesel vehicles.

Controls: Vehicle Inspections and Equipment, Equipment and Use of Maintenance filters in a discharge.

Appearance: Painting Waste

Controls: Containment Basin, proper waste storage and licensed disposal sites.

Appearance: Personal Protective Equipment

Control: Incineration of damaged PPE